Stained glasses installation
in Moscow Davidovsky Hospital. 2021

Show in Gdansk, Poland, 2016

At Notre Dame University, 2015

"ATLANTIS" Palazzo Zenobio, Venice 2013

Maxim Kantor. Painting. State Russian Museum,Mikhailovskij Castle,
Saint Petersburg, 2013

Maxim Kantor. Show in State Russian Museum, Marble Palace, Saint Petersburg. 2012

Maxim Kantor. VULCANO. Fondazione Stelline. Milan. 2013

With philosopher Eric Hobsbawm. London, 2011

"Party with baboon" performed by theatre "Na Yugo-Zapade", Moscow. 2008

Show in Abbaye de Neumunster Museum (Centre culturel de rencontre), Luxembourg 2006-2007

Maxim Kantor with his "Drawing Text-Book" 2006

"New empire" in Kuppersmuhle museum, Duisburg. 2006

Studio in Moscow. 2005

Maxim Kantor. Photo: Lev Melikhov. 2003

Father Karl Kantor

Moscow Studio. photo: Lev Melikhov.2002

"Wasteland.Atlas" in Tretiakov State Galery, Moscow. 2001

Invitation cards to the shows

At the exhibition in Lisboa. (Maxim Kantor. O Terra perdida. Culturgest).2000.

At the opening of personal exhibition. Pushkinsky State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow 1997

Maxim Kantor. "Criminal chronicle". Russian pavilion. Biennale of Venice. 1997

Moscow Studio. photo: Lev Melikhov. 1996

Moscow Studio. photo: Lev Melikhov. 1996

With father at the opening of the show. Berlin. 1995

With the historian Sergey Shkunaev

Emblem of International music festival, Colmar. Designed by Maxim Kantor

Show in musee de Pully, Switzerland

With philosopher Alexander Zinoviev

At the workshop in Hannover. 1991

With photographer Stefan Enders

Maxim Kantor. Photo: Lev Melikhov. 1989

Temporary workshop in Frankfurt. 1989

With Henry Nannen

Moscow Studio. Photo: Lev Melikhov

Maxim Kantor and his picture "Three old women". Dusseldorf. 1988

Exhibition at Kunsthalle in Emden, Stiftung Henri und Eske Nannen. 1996

Moscow Studio. 1986

First Maxim Kantor's exhibition: Philosophy Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow

Opening of the XVIIth exposition of young russian artists. Kantor's picture "Waiting room" shown. Kuznetsky Most. Moscow. 1985

Maxim Kantor and his picture "Politburo". 1982. photo: Stern

With friend painter Andrey Zedrik. 1974